Brown, Stephen James Meredith. A Survey of Catholic Literature. Pts. 1, 2 & 4 by Stephen J. Brown; pt. 3 by Thomas McDermott. rev. ed. Milwaukee, Bruce Pub. Co., 1949. x, 28lp. (Science and Culture Series). LC 49-1416.
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A unique work and, therefore, somewhat valuable if out of date. Brown did the European section and McDermott the Western Hemisphere. Limited to belles-lettres, the work includes a "General Review" from the beginnings to the end of the nineteenth century; a detailed history of the medieval period; North and South America; and contemporary literature in Europe. Each chapter is followed by a bibliography of suggested reading and a list of references. The suggested reading lists could have been more complete, but the work is still a helpful guide to a field that is more often talked about than studied in such a unified way. Index.